NSFetchedResultsController and Time-Based Predicates

So, I have a better NSFetchedResultsController blog post in draft form, but after spending a week or so trying to figure out why our NSFetchedResultsController was not getting alerted when the background ManagedObjectContext merged with the foreground MOC…

I found posts on threading, and all other sorts of sophisticated problems, I worried about conflicting insertions, etc.

But it turned out that when we received new data, it was newer than the date defined in our previously created fetchRequest predicate. So:

  1. No alerts.
  2. No Data upon fetching.




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On Learning Programming

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie in their classic The C Programming Language wrote that the biggest hurdle in starting beginning learning a programming language is to write a program to print the ‘Hello World’ on the screen, the rest... Continue →